3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Your Guide on How to Distribute Tokens Easily

When you have a lot of tokens available, it’s going to be natural to want to distribute them quickly and easily.

Thankfully, this isn’t too difficult to do, but it does require you to think a little bit about what you’re doing in order to get the best results. Here at CosmoSender, we recognise just how important it can be, and we actively work hard to make sure that your experiences are wholly positive ones. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of tips and tricks to make sure that you get the best results when it comes to easily sending tokens.

Send Tokens Often

The biggest problem that a lot of people have when it comes to tokens is that they don’t send them often enough. You have access to plenty of software that will let you send tokens for a variety of different reasons, so why would you not use this on a regular basis?

Gaining more experience and familiarity with the token sending system means that you are going to be more confident in doing so, and the process becomes even easier. It’s well worth doing on a fairly consistent basis.

Send in Batches

Obviously, we have a Solana batch sender. Therefore, it was only inevitable that we were going to tell you about sending tokens in bulk, especially considering just how important it can be to do so.

Trying to send tokens one at a time can be a real hassle because it takes too long, and the likelihood is that you’re going to end up with nothing more than a major headache. Instead, send them in batches, and it will be a quick and easy process. Trust us, you’ll be glad that you learned how to send in batches.

Send For Many Situations

Businesses and companies use tokens all the time for prizes. They will send a token to an address as a prize for a competition, and if you do the same, then you’re more likely to experience a lot of unique variety.

Now, obviously, it can be important to try and get the best possible results. You will want to make sure that you are sending tokens for the right reasons, and that they are a suitable price for whatever it is you’re trying to do. We wholeheartedly recommend that you do take the time to send them for as many different situations as you can, because they do have many characteristics that make them a highly valuable prize.

Final Thoughts

So, sending large quantities of tokens is definitely something you should get into the habit of doing because it does have many different benefits. Obviously, you are going to want to make sure that you explore a broad range of options to get the ideal results, but you do have plenty of choices. Hopefully, these tips and tricks have allows you to get the best possible results, and we will look forward to seeing you use more options in the future.

